Your toolbox for cash flow management
Your toolbox for cash flow management
All the functions you need to plan and monitor your company's cash flows.

All functions for your cash flow planning
Up-to-date overview of the status of Cash position - right down to the category
All your companies, banks and bank accounts - at a glance
Designed for your business needs, used by thousands of companies and their teams

Our cash flow planning runs automatically and super easy through COMMITLY - highly recommended! We use Commitly for monthly cash flow planning and at the same time for rough annual planning to be able to make investments. As a fashion company, we always have to make large advance payments and therefore need this tool.
Sebastian Steinmeier
Managing Director L&S Nahtstelle GmbH
Cash flow planning made easy - All decisions firmly under control.
COMMITLY is your software tool for better cash flow management - developed by financial experts and entrepreneurs who know what is important when it comes to cash flow and Cash flow planning.