
Adam Integration

Adam automates the entire financial reporting process and is your sparring partner for analysis and planning. This allows you to take your company's financial management to the next level. By linking COMMITLY and Adam, your Cash flow planning is transferred to Adam Reporting.


Simply better liquidity management for your entire corporate management.

Do you want to embed your Cash flow planning from COMMITLY in Adam's integrated financial reporting? Then you will find your happiness in our interface to Adam.

You want to know more about Adam's controlling service? Click here!

Cash flow planning scenarios

Financial planning meets Cash flow planning

Cash position has a thankless role: as long as everything is running smoothly, it receives little attention. Only when times become uncertain and difficult does it take center stage. In a joint webinar, Bernhard von ADAM and Jürgen von COMMITLY explain in 60 entertaining minutes what is important when it comes to Cash flow planning and optimization.

The connection? Refreshingly unspectacular!

Through the connection with Adam, your current liquidity ratios are transferred to your Adam reporting.

This makes your Adam reporting even more up-to-date and you can simulate and discuss liquidity scenarios with Adam's experts. 

  • Click on "Settings > Team".
  • There you add your Adam advisor as a team contact. 
  • Adam thereby receives an invitation to your team and can transfer your data directly into Adam Reporting.

Cash flow planning made easy - All decisions firmly under control.

COMMITLY is your software tool for better cash flow management - developed by financial experts and entrepreneurs who know what is important when it comes to cash flow and Cash flow planning.


All functions for your cash flow planning

Link your banks and all your relevant systems

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Up-to-date overview of the status of Cash position - right down to the category

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Cash flow planning and scenarios - simple and professional!

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Variance analyses, status overview, detailed developments

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Centralize the overview of open items

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All your companies, banks and bank accounts - at a glance

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Roles and permissions - approvals down to category level

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Get an introduction to COMMITLY - whenever you want and have time!

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