Where did the money go?
Daily updated overview of the Cash position

Cash flow management begins with the current account balance and the presentation of past incoming and outgoing payments. Ideally on a daily basis and based on a best practice template. This precise basis enables companies to understand their financial situation at all times and make well-founded decisions. For financial planning, a regular liquidity overview is important for financial planning. It provides a quick overview of the current situation so that future steps can be planned on this basis.

COMMITLY offers you as a modern liquidity planning software provides you with all the tools and functions you need to keep an overview of your company's finances at all times. Thanks to several interfaces to account and bookkeeping systems, the tool provides you with up-to-date data for a comprehensive liquidity overview.

overview liquidity
multi banking bank connect

Always up to date through the connection with your accounts

Link all relevant online accounts with the liquidity planning tool and synchronize them up to four times a day. This means you always have an overview of the latest status of your finances. These regular updates ensure that you always have the latest financial data.

The connection is made on the basis of the legally regulated PSD2 interface (Payment Services Directive 2). This interface guarantees the highest security standards and reliable data transmission between your bank accounts and the financial planning software. The PSD2 directive was developed to harmonize payment transactions in the EU and increase security in online banking.

Overview of all connections / integrations >

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e-learning, IAS 7 Cash Flow Statement Module

A company's success, growth, and survival depend not only on its profits, but also on its ability to generate or otherwise obtain cash.

A cash flow plan helps you understand how the business generates and uses cash, and can also provide insight into the amount, timing and certainty of future cash flows.

Professional cash flow calculation according to IAS 7 and IDW

COMMITLY calculates the cash flow using the direct method, based on IAS 7, to ensure professional planning, ideal for financing discussions and strategic processes. This approach provides a transparent and detailed presentation of your cash flows, which is considered particularly trustworthy by investors and lenders.

Customize the template? No problem! Simply adapt the best practice template to the specific needs of your company. You can create new categories, create sub-categories and customize the structure of your cash flow reports. Our help section is always at your side and offers comprehensive instructions and support.

Test now free of charge and experience how easy and effective professional cash flow calculations can be!

Calculate Cash Flow Template

Designed for your business needs,
used by thousands of companies and their teams

bimanu logo

Why an Excel cash flow analysis is superfluous! No more manual Excel sheets and thus the effort is significantly reduced. In addition, the quality of the figures increases significantly and provides security in this sensitive topic.

Picture of Swen Göllner

Swen Göllner

Managing Director Bimanu

Bank transactions search

Automated categorization of transactions

The transactions of the linked accounts are an important source of information for an accurate liquidity overview. COMMITLY supports you in categorizing the transactions with the help of rules and an algorithm based on artificial intelligence. This automated classification saves time and reduces errors, allowing you to focus on business decisions.

COMMITLY gives you the freedom to choose how far you want to automate categorization. You can customize it to your individual needs and ensure that all transactions are assigned correctly.

Always up-to-date cash status with drill-down options

Day-accurate chart with always current cash status

Daily Cash Status

Clear, rolling cash flow forecast

Overview of current period

Deviations by categories

Cash variances by category

Create reports - share cash flow information

COMMITLY offers you a variety of ways to export and share your cash flow plans and reports. Whether as PDF, XLSX or via the API - You have full flexibility over your data. This facilitates communication with stakeholders and enables a transparent presentation of your financial data.

By simply exporting your reports, you can create important cash flow information or a liquidity overview quickly and efficiently. This supports collaboration and promotes consistent and clear communication within and outside your company.

Cahflow reports and export options

If you want to save time and get away from Excel spreadsheets, this is the software for you. I have not found anything better.

Picture of Robert Schlegel

Robert Schlegel

Managing Director BMU Veranstaltungstechnik

Need a template? Create Cash flow plan at the touch of a button!

What's better than a template? That's right! The first draft of Cash flow plan, which is just waiting for your customizations. With COMMITLY, you can create a customized template in no time at all. Cash flow planningthat takes your specific needs and requirements into account. The intuitive user interface and powerful features make financial management easy and efficient.

You can customize your plan quickly and easily, get a comprehensive liquidity overview, add new categories and change the structure as you wish. This not only saves time, but also improves the accuracy and reliability of your financial planning.

Cash flow planning scenarios

Cash flow planning made easy - All decisions firmly under control.

COMMITLY is your Software tool for better financial management - developed by financial experts and entrepreneurs who know exactly what is important when it comes to finance and Cash flow planning . COMMITLY is a powerful tool that helps you to keep an eye on your financial data at all times and make data-based decisions.
  • Clear and intuitive user interface
  • Automatic synchronization and updating
  • Customizable best practice templates
  • Automated categorization of transactions
  • Comprehensive reports and analyses
  • Real-time monitoring and early warning systems for optimal liquidity monitoring and controlling

What is the liquidity overview?

A liquidity overview is a detailed presentation of a company's current and future cash flows. It shows how much money is available to the company in a given period and what expenses are to be expected. The overview of Cash position includes all income and expenditure, such as customer payments, salaries, supplier payments, loan repayments and other financial obligations. It helps the company to understand its current situation and ensure that it has sufficient cash to meet payments at all times.

Support for your financing discussions with a precise liquidity overview

A professional and individually customized cash flow planning is a decisive factor in financing discussions. The detailed and clearly structured reports you create with the COMMITLY template demonstrate your financial expertise and your ability to plan ahead. planning. This strengthens the confidence of investors and lenders and increases your chances of success.

Why day-to-day financial monitoring?

Precision and accuracy

A daily liquidity overview offers the highest precision in forecasting cash flows. This accuracy is important for managing a company's financial resources. With daily updated data, you can determine exactly when payments will be received and expenses will be due. This avoids economic surprises and ensures that the company always has sufficient financial resources.


Financial information allows you to react immediately to changes. Whether it's unexpected expenses, delayed customer payments or short-term financing options, up-to-date data allows companies to take action quickly and effectively. This improves the ability to respond to unforeseen events and maintain financial stability.

Precise monitoring

The liquidity overview provides precise monitoring of the company's financial situation. Problems can be identified at an early stage, allowing timely countermeasures to be taken. This includes the monitoring of incoming payments, the identification of overdue receivables and cash flow control. Close monitoring can minimize financial risks and increase performance.

Trust and transparency

Up-to-date data creates trust and transparency among internal and external stakeholders. Investors, lenders and management can rely on the accuracy and timeliness of financial information. This promotes clear communication and strengthens confidence in the company's financial management.

Advantages of the PSD2 interface

  1. Highest securityThe PSD2 interface offers strong authentication methods to ensure that only authorized access to your financial data takes place. In this way, your sensitive information is protected from unauthorized access and cyber attacks.

  2. Automatic updateFrequent synchronization with your bank accounts means that your financial data is updated automatically. This reduces the effort and risk of errors that could arise from manual entries.

  3. Consolidated overviewLinking all relevant online accounts provides a consolidated overview of all financial movements. You receive a comprehensive overview of your Cash position, which includes all income and expenditure across different accounts (and also companies).

  4. Real-time insights: With up to four synchronizations per day, you have near real-time insights into your Cash position. This is particularly valuable for cash flow management as you can react immediately to financial changes.

  5. Compliance and transparencyUsing the PSD2 interface ensures that your financial data processing complies with legal requirements.

Importance of integrations and ERP interfaces for the liquidity overview

For a precise and effective liquidity overview integrations and ERP interfaces are an important basis. The seamless connection between the cash flow software and existing ERP systems enables automatic and continuous data transfer. This ensures that all financial movements, such as income, expenses, liabilities and receivables, are always up-to-date and consolidated in the liquidity overview.

Through the integration with ERP systems companies can obtain a comprehensive and holistic view of their financial position without having to enter data manually. This not only reduces administrative effort, but also minimizes the risk of errors that could arise from manual processes. In addition, the automatic synchronizationthat financial data is updated in real time, resulting in greater accuracy and reliability of the liquidity overview leads to greater accuracy and reliability.

Liquidity overview as part of the risk management and early warning system

A good liquidity overview plays a central role in risk management and can serve as an effective early warning system. By continuously monitoring and analyzing cash flows, potential financial bottlenecks can be financial bottlenecks recognized at an early stage. This enables companies to take countermeasures in good time to avoid financial crises. Liquidity problems can be identified at an early stage by recognizing payment defaults or delayed customer payments, among other things, and can be resolved through targeted measures such as reminders or adjustments to payment management.

The overview not only provides a current status of the liquidity situation, but also forecasts of future cash flows. This foresight helps companies to identify potential risks and adjust their financial strategies accordingly. An effective early warning system in the form of a detailed liquidity overview supports management in making data-based decisions and ensuring the long-term financial health of the company. The combination of real-time data and forecasts increases transparency and strengthens the ability to proactively manage risk.


All functions for your cash flow planning

Link your banks and all your relevant systems

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Up-to-date overview of the status of Cash position - right down to the category

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Cash flow planning and scenarios - simple and professional!

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Variance analyses, status overview, detailed developments

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Centralize the overview of open items

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All your companies, banks and bank accounts - at a glance

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Roles and permissions - approvals down to category level

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Get an introduction to COMMITLY - whenever you want and have time!

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