Liquidity forecast, variance analysis & controlling


By precisely analyzing the expected cash inflows and outflows, it is possible to identify liquidity bottlenecks at an early stage and ensure solvency. As part of the liquidity forecast play variance analysis, controlling and status play a central role.

Gain full transparency of the existing Cash position based on the target/actual deviation and detailed developments as well as direct links to accounting systems and bank accounts. COMMITLY takes real-time adjustments and updated forecast data into account when monitoring liquidity.


Liquidity preview with current cash status and drill-down function

Cash variances by category

Designed for your business needs,
used by thousands of companies and their teams

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Absolutely recommendable. Thanks to Commitly, a day-by-day control of our sales and costs is possible. As well as the associated planning for the current year. Better and easier handling thanks to Commitly.
Nicole Dahle
Finance Manager Yogaeasy
Cash flow unit

Drill down to the last detail thanks to cash flow units for precise liquidity controlling

In the Cash position deviations are not only due to differences between actual and planned figures. The variance analysis in controlling enables financial managers to gain a deeper insight into the accuracy of their liquidity forecasts.

Not only can a discrepancy be identified, but also its cause. From late payments from customers to unexpected operating expenses, there can be a whole range of reasons for this. Timing discrepancies are just as important, if not more so.

COMMITLY cash flow units allow you to compare budgets and actual figures with regard to the amount and planned payment date - down to the smallest detail.

Variance analysis: target/actual comparison in various file formats

Thanks to intelligent integrations a multitude of possibilities, perform variance analyses in controlling export your cash flow plans and reports, create customized overviews and highlight important key figures. Our liquidity planning tool ensures secure data processing and can be easily integrated into the existing IT landscape.

Whether PDF, XLSX or via the API - you have full flexibility over your data. The intuitive user interface enables users to perform in-depth analyses and gain insights without the need for extensive training.

Cahflow reports and export options
cash flow planning

Liquidity forecast, controlling and status

Both planning and the analysis of financial flows play a central role in economic life. The liquidity forecast is an indispensable tool for ensuring a company's ability to act financially and making well-founded strategic decisions.

With the liquidity forecasting tool from COMMITLY makes the work of the finance teams much easier by integrating automated data collection and analysis processes. This ensures that the financial and Cash flow planning always reflect the current economic situation and can be quickly adapted to varying conditions. In addition to the function of creating rolling forecasts, the tool also enables scenario analyses to be carried out. This allows potential liquidity challenges to be identified and appropriate countermeasures to be planned proactively.

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Mega tool for planning Cash position. Commitly helps you plan your cash flow and see where you stand at the end of the month or year. It is possible to add modern credit cards so that no outflow is lost. Various evaluations give us a good overview and make Excel obsolete for us here too.
Ole-Christian Rücker
Ole-Christian Rücker
Managing director adhesive candles

What do you need the liquidity forecast for?

For companies, the liquidity forecast is an indispensable strategic tool for companies. It helps to forecast and plan cash flows over a specific period, typically the next 90-360 days.

Controlling is the continuous process of planning, monitoring and managing the Cash position of a company. Through regular deviation analyses in controlling potential liquidity bottlenecks can be identified at an early stage. The target/actual comparison makes it possible to take targeted measures to ensure financial stability.

In addition, the liquidity status provides information on the company's current financial situation. It contains detailed information on available cash and cash equivalents, current receivables and liabilities as well as long-term financing structures. A forward-looking Cash flow planning, combined with effective controlling, can not only help a company to secure its solvency, but also to recognize and exploit investment opportunities. This balance is dynamic and must be continuously adapted to changes in the operating business or the macroeconomic environment.

Variance analyses in the liquidity forecast

When you create a create a liquidity forecast, it is necessary to understand the target/actual comparison approach. This form of analysis is used to determine differences between forecast and actual financial events.

By precisely identifying the causes of the deviations, companies can take proactive measures to adjust their Cash flow planning accordingly. This can mean planning incoming payments on time, better controlling expenses or rethinking financing strategies. In addition, regular variance analyses are essential to ensure that the financial health and therefore the business success of a company are presented realistically. The integration of COMMITLY into your IT landscape supports seamless variance analysis in controllingto continuously improve your cash flow forecasts.

Cash position check and monitor

The liquidity forecast as a central element of strategic financial planning is far more than just a routine task. This becomes clear when you consider how it supports companies in proactively mastering financial challenges and exploiting opportunities in the market environment. A precise and realistic liquidity forecast gives companies a clear overview of their short and medium-term financial obligations. A comprehensive overview of finances is a helpful basis for securing sufficient funds to cover ongoing operating costs, wages, bills and other necessary expenses.

This not only increases financial planning security, but also protects the company from unforeseen liquidity bottlenecks. liquidity bottlenecks which could potentially impair the operating business. A well-founded variance analysis in controlling enables forward-looking planning so that resources can be strategically calculated and investment opportunities can be optimally utilized.

Companies with a solid liquidity forecast can better recognize and exploit investment opportunities, as they know exactly when and to what extent funds are available. This enables a more efficient use of capital and strengthens the competitive position in the long term. Overestimating the available Cash position can lead to risky investment decisions. Conversely, an underestimation can lead to the company acting more cautiously than necessary and thus missing out on opportunities.

Rolling liquidity forecast and drill-down function

The rolling liquidity forecast is dynamic and enables financial planning to be continuously adjusted. It differs from traditional forecasting methods, which are generally based on rigid time periods, in that it uses a planning horizon that is constantly evolving. It takes into account the fact that a company's financial landscape is constantly changing. It adapts flexibly to new information and automatically extends the forecast period on a daily basis in order to always plan ahead for the coming months. This makes it an important tool in liquidity management.

This allows finance teams to be more proactive, make investment or financing decisions based on the latest figures and react quickly to financial changes. An important contribution to the effectiveness of the rolling liquidity forecast is the so-called drill-down function.

This makes it possible to delve even deeper into the data and carry out a precise analysis of the individual items. By breaking down the overall picture into smaller components, CFOs gain a better understanding of which specific factors contribute to the current liquidity situation. By being able to react specifically to weaknesses or unused potential, both the accuracy and quality of financial decisions are improved.

Target/actual comparison: controlling and cash flow analysis

A target/actual analysis examines the differences between the planned (target) and actual (actual) financial data. This provides a comprehensive overview of a company's financial health and performance. A well-founded variance analysis in controlling serves to uncover deviations between planned and actual financial events. This forms the basis for necessary adjustments in the Cash flow planning and the controlling processes.

Regular variance analyses are an integral part of liquidity controlling in order to ensure the long-term financial stability of a company. Their importance becomes particularly clear when you consider that any deviation can indicate business challenges or opportunities. The analysis includes not only the investigation of financial irregularities, but also deviations over time. This involves analyzing whether certain financial events occurred on the planned dates or whether there were delays in payments, settlements or operating expenses.

It is therefore essential for a liquidity forecasting tool to provide detailed functions for carrying out variance analyses. It should not only be able to automatically collect the data and calculate variances, but also provide intuitive ways to investigate the causes. The integration of these analyses in COMMITLY shows how important precise controlling functions are for financial management. They transform the liquidity forecast from a static report into a dynamic corporate management tool that enables proactive shaping of the financial future.

Cash flow planning made easy - All decisions firmly under control.

COMMITLY is your software tool for better cash flow management - developed by financial experts and entrepreneurs who know what is important when it comes to cash flow and Cash flow planning.


All functions for your cash flow planning

Link your banks and all your relevant systems

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Up-to-date overview of the status of Cash position - right down to the category

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Cash flow planning and scenarios - simple and professional!

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Variance analyses, status overview, detailed developments

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Centralize the overview of open items

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All your companies, banks and bank accounts - at a glance

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Roles and permissions - approvals down to category level

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