Turn cash flow management into teamwork
Full control over cash flow information through roles and permissions and sharing capabilities down to category level

Company groups - client management
In the Professional Edition, each company created is treated as a separate client.
Therefore, team members from one company cannot see or access the other companies.
Custom roles and permissions can be assigned at the group or sub-group level.
Roles and permissions for your team
You can add as many team members to your account as you want, depending on the COMMITLY edition.
Assign appropriate roles and permissions.

Designed for your business needs, used by thousands of companies and their teams

For us, the best choice for Cash flow planning. At Modoplus, we value clear tools that significantly increase day-to-day efficiency - we found what we were looking for at Cash flow planning with COMMITLY. It's clear to see that the tool was developed by people who know and understand the challenges of financial planning for young companies.

Julian farmer
Founder & CEO Modoplus GmbH

Cash flow units - the smart way to delegate
Define cash flow units and distribute responsibilities across your team.
The selected team members will have access only to the shared categories.
Turn your teams into entrepreneurs in the company with cash responsibility!

Best tool for Cash flow planning and company lifesaver. Commitly helps us to plan our financial scope at all times. The intelligent forecasts and the direct link to our accounting are particularly great.

Michael Hunter
Managing Director huhuco UG
Cash flow planning made easy - All decisions firmly under control.
COMMITLY is your software tool for better cash flow management - developed by financial experts and entrepreneurs who know what is important when it comes to cash flow and Cash flow planning.
All functions for your cash flow planning
Up-to-date overview of the status of Cash position - right down to the category
All your companies, banks and bank accounts - at a glance